live remix & recomposition of "Michaels Reise" by K.H.Stockhausen,
"Contury Cheiron","vol de nuit","Anything Goes" by A23H
and Jean Baudrillard,Pansori,2001

cover art by A23H

In The Red Wind

Trio Viriditas:
A23H,Wilber Morris,Kevin Norton
studiorecording in NYC,June 2001

cover photo by A23H

medium pressure lofi

tattoo :
A23H,Ernst Seitz,Manuel Lohnes,Günter Bozem
live in Karben,April 2001

cover art by A23H


tattoo :
A23H,Ernst Seitz,Manuel Lohnes,Günter Bozem
live in Karben,March 2001

cover art by A23H (2000)


tattoo :
A23H,Ernst Seitz,Manuel Lohnes,Günter Bozem
live at the Festival in Freiberg,2001

cover art by A23H

eclectronic vodoo

tattoo :
A23H,Ernst Seitz,Manuel Lohnes,Günter Bozem
live at the Alternativa Festival in Prague,2000

cover art by A23H

west side story

live at the Schauspiel Frankfurt am Main,1998
recomposition,conducter & reeds: A23H
with also Peter Antony,Günter Bozem,Martin Lejeune,
Stefan Lottermann/Annemarie Roelofs
and the west side story ensemble

chic ago

Historical compilation of Alfred Harth's formations with David Murray,Fred Hopkins,Dougie Bowne,Kent Kessler,Hamid Drake,Vladimir Tarasov,Simon Nabatov,Mark Dresser,Heinz Sauer,Guenter Mueller,Andres Bosshard,Sonny Sharrock,Phil Minton,Charlie Mariano,Karl Berger,Peter Kowald,Barry Altshul
recorded 1984 - 1997

Feather Than God

A23H, Fred Hopkins, Dougie Bowne
recorded by Moe Tee at Low Blood Studio, Ludlow Street, NYC, in 1995

cover art by A23H

remember me?

words & voice: Jürgen Ploog,sounds: Alfred Harth
live at A23H's Gedankenhotel,1993

Engpol Medien
cover art by Kai Twelbeck

le cadran bleu

trio trabant a roma
A23H,Lindsay Cooper,Phil Minton
live at Festival Musica Strasbourg,1991

cover art by A23H

let it be

A23H,Heinz Sauer,John Schröder,Hans Lüdemann,
Stephan Schmolck,Steve Arguelles
live in Wiesbaden,1991

cover art by A23H

Parcours Bleu a Deux * Heiliggeistkirche 1990

Alfred Harth & Heinz Sauer live at Heiliggeistkirche 1990
during A23H exhibition at the Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main

cover art by A23H

memoria eschatologica

1. "memoria eschatologica - Versuch über den Isenheimer Altar"
radio play (HR),1992

2. "Der Raum hinter den Worten"
words & voice: Jürgen Ploog,radio play,
produced for Bayrischer Rundfunk (BR),1989

3. "Lorita"
words & voice: Jürgen Ploog,radio play 1989

4. "Wenn Gott tot ist,dann ist er im Himmel"
Hörperformance with
Jean Baudrillard,Christina von Braun,Villem Flusser,
Peter Frank,Friedrich Kittler,G.J.Lischka

cover art by A23H

vol de nuit et altera

two radio plays:
1."vol de nuit"
words & voice: Juergen Ploog
produced for the Bayrische Rundfunk (BR),1989

words & voice: A23H
produced for the West Deutsche Rundfunk (WDR),1992

and the TV film music "Geheime Welten" (ZDF),1990

cover photo by Fritz Harth


TV film music for "lachen,weinen,lieben" (ZDF),1989
A film made about the city of Frankfurt am Main a posteriori the music composition by A23H

cover art by A23H

Antigone/Stimmen der Nacht

1. theatre music for "Antigone"
at the Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf,1990

2. TV film music "Stimmen der Nacht" (ZDF),1988

cover art by A23H

transport eines nichtexistenten ortes

radioplay (Hoerperformance) with statements from the Frankfurt based visual artists
Ottmar Hörl,Vollrad Kutscher,Walter E Baumann,Erzsebet Csendesi,Thomas Roth

composition by A23H and Peter Tomas Fey
recorded at FTF-Studio,Frankfurt am Main,1988

listen to the first six minutes


three radioplays produced for the HESSISCHER RUNDFUNK
Frankfurt am Main,1987

text-cut up by A23H - sources: Paul Scheerbart / protocoll of a channelling session in Santa Fe with entities on the Plejades / original statements from astro- and kosmonauts

textfragments by Gertrude Stein


all instruments and composition by A23H

cover art by A23H

notes on planet shikasta

live at the Alte Oper,Frankfurt am Main 1987
with A23H,Maggie Nicols,Phil Minton,Paul Bley,Barre Phillips
words by Doris Lessing

cover art by A23H,NYC,1975

gestalt et jive

unreleased cassette live recordings
with A23H,Steve Beresford,Ferdinand Richard,Peter Hollinger

recorded by Peter Hollinger,1985
cover art by A23H

compilation compilation

diverse compilation tracks by or with A23H 1984 - 1996
compiled on one CDR

cover art by A23H


excerpts of the FRANKFURTER STADTOPER 1984
composed and conducted by Alfred Harth,
open air at the townhall (Römerberg) Frankfurt am Main
with about 250 participatients


Goebbels/Harth Duo compilation

limited edition
original etching cover art by A23H

the cage

Alfred Harth compilation
"the cage" (prior to "Cassiber") 1981 / Cassiber live in Belo Horizonte 1984 / theatre music "Die Insel gegenüber" 1988 /
A23H's Instant Composition Clip played by the Brobdignag Stimulation Orchester 1996 / Birth of the rave 1999

cover art by A23H


Alfred Harth's tentet with
A23H,Ole Schmidt,Claus Dillmann,Angela & Rudi Federspiel,Andreas Kallfelz,Florian Nikel,Elvira Plenar,Hans Riffer,Uwe Schmitt

live recorded at the Sinkkasten,Frankfurt am Main,1982
cover art by A23H


Alfred Harth's tentet with
A23H,Ole Schmidt,Claus Dillmann,Angela & Rudi Federspiel,Andreas Kallfelz,Florian Nikel,Elvira Plenar,Hans Riffer,Uwe Schmitt

recorded 1982
cover art by A23H

AORA saxophone quartet

Alfred Harth's saxophone quartet
with A23H,Ole Schmidt,Angela & Rudi Federspiel

live recorded at the Hofheim Jazzfestival 1982

punk jazz group 1979

initiated by Christoph Anders and A23H
also with Nicole van den Plas, Frank Diedrich, Uwe Schmitt, Peter

unreleased cassette recording from the bunker, Frankfurt am Main, 1979
listen to one track

 cover photo: A23H

born free

Two short excerpts from the 3LP born free,Scout 11-CBS of the 12th German Jazz Festival in Frankfurt am Main.

First take is the festival appearence of Alfred Harth's group "just music".
The second is the "European Free Jazz Orchestra des Art Ensembles of Chicago" with
Lester Bowie,Joseph Jarman,Roscoe Mitchell,Malachi Favors,Karin Krog,Jeanne Lee, Alfred Harth,Frederic Rabold,Herbert Joos,Michael Sell,Manfred Schoof,Paul Rutherford,Albert Mangelsdorff,Gunter Christmann,Heinz Sauer,Gerd Dudek,Axel Hennies,Dieter Scherf,Michael Thielepape,Joachim Kühn,Gunter Hampel,Claus Bühler,Peter Stock,Gerhard König,Rainer Grimm

recorded March 22nd,1970
cover art by A23H


recout mail order 1996 - 2002, selection.

Print-on-demand CDRs mostly out of the musician's pool of the FIM - Frankfurts Indeterminables Musiqwesen (formerly known as Forum Improvisierender Musiker).

The FIM was founded by Alfred Harth and Christoph Korn in 1993.The FIM organized concerts, monthly sessions, three open air music-camps called "Jazzferien" and an annual festival in Frankfurt am Main and also installed the mailorder-label RECOUT in 1996.
Following are CDRs out of the recout label catalogue (& more) from or with A23H.

FIM - Sampler (Recout 0012), 1998
personel + mp3

cover art by Micha Daniels

house of thee (Recout 0014)
A23H,Micha Daniels,Bertram Ritter,2000

cover art by Alfred Harth

Stern4et: Rent Art Quest (Recout 0013)
A23H, Daniel Franke, Micha Daniels, Bertram Ritter
recorded at "Jazzferien Spessart", 1999

cover art by Daniel Franke

Imperial Hoot: 200 cosmic tips
A23H, Christoph Korn, Marcel Daemgen, Günter Bozem, 1999

cover art by Alfred Harth

Alfred Harth's Die Flyby No Net plays CASSINI (Recout 0010)
A23H, Harry Petersen, Stefan Lottermann, Martin Lejeune, Christoph Korn, Marcel Daemgen, Peter Antony, Bülent Ates, Günter Bozem, 1998

cover art by Alfred Harth

Contury Cheiron
A23H, solo, 1997-1999, limited edition

cover art by Alfred Harth

Imperial Hoot: Tribology (Recout 0009)
A23H, Christoph Korn, Marcel Daemgen, Günter Bozem
live at Festival San Juan Evangelista Madrid and Barcelona, 1998

cover art by Alfred Harth

Imperial Hoot: Trialectrique (Recout 0008)
A23H, Christoph Korn, Marcel Daemgen, Günter Bozem
live at Akut Festival, Mainz, 1998

cover art by Alfred Harth

Hale Peat: The sudden disappearance of Hale Bopp
A23H, Harry Petersen, Martin Lejeune, Bulent Ates
radio recording at the Hessischer Rundfunk, 1998

cover art by Alfred Harth

Pale Heat - Jazz & Poetry
A23H, Harry Petersen, Martin Lejeune, Bulent Ates
Poets: Paulus Böhmer, Manfred Peckl, Harry Oberländer, 1998

cover art by Alfred Harth

Hale Peat: MO TO NO
A23H, Harry Petersen, Martin Lejeune, Bulent Ates, 1997

cover art by Alfred Harth

modern post (Recout 0006)
A23H, Wolfgang Stryi, 1997

cover art by Alfred Harth

Paulus Böhmer & Alfred Harth

Imperial Hot: Hot Deals (Recout 0005)
A23H, Christoph Korn, Bertram Ritter, 1996

cover art by Alfred Harth

Parallelaktion: Endlos (Recout 0000)
produced by A23H for the exhibition "Endless" - a memento 50 years after WWII in Poland, 1995
Michael Eicken, Ngeso Okolo, Andreas The August(ATA), guests: Corinna Mayer, A23H

cover art by Robert Knuth

FIM - Jazzferien, 1995 (Recout 0007)

cover art by Micha Daniels

Stern4et (Recout 0002)
A23H, Daniel Franke, Micha Daniels, Bertram Ritter, 1994
live at A23H's exhibition TENSIDES at the Deutsches Filmmuseum Frankfurt am Main

cover art by Micha Daniels

A23H, Daniel Franke, Micha Daniels, Bertram Ritter
live at FTF-Studio,1994

cover art by Micha Daniels

c plus a / Akt 24: Canada dry & 20 (Recout 0004)
A23H, Christoph Korn, guest: Vladimir Tarasov

Parcours bleu a deux: Die kainitische Stadt über Abels Gebeinen (Recout 0003)
A23H & Heinz Sauer, live in San Francisco and Jazz Festival Vancouver, 1992

cover art by Alfred Harth

Seti im Club - atmosfähre fast gut (Recout 0001)
A23H & Peter Fey, 1991

cover art by Alfred Harth

recout com. (Recout 0011)

cover art by Alfred Harth